Beginners Guide to the first steps with TC

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This page is a translated version of the page Anfänger Anleitung für die ersten Schritte mit TC and the translation is 100% complete.

Instructions for the first steps with TrainController

It's so far

So now it's okay, the new Software is installed and started. How are you doing now?

The beginning

This application is intended as a supplement to the program description of TrainController and attempts to provide illustrated views of the program. Prerequisite, however, is the study of agility in program management.

Fig: Demo Project

After installing TrainController this Demo Project appears.

Fig: Edit Mode

Perhaps the most important shortcoming at first is the edit mode. To add, change or delete elements in the template, select Edit mode.

Complete Guide

Wolfgang Schön has provided a 33-page step-by-step guide for beginners in the forum. The guide for TC7, TC8 can be downloaded as a PDF: Einsteiger_Anleitung_TC.pdf in german. The guide has been updated for newer versions of TrainController: Guide TC9, TC10: TC for beginners


-- Wohlmannstetter (Diskussion) 15:41, 24. Jan. 2013‎ (CEST)
bearbeitet:‎ Digi thomas2003 20:30, 12. Mär. 2014, Uslex (Diskussion) 14:18, 9. Jul. 2022 (CEST), Uslex (Diskussion) 17:26, 29. Jan. 2025 (CET)