Difference between road traffic and rail traffic

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Basic understanding and philosophy of rail transport

Road traffic

This article is about the basic understanding and philosophy of how a control program works in general and TrainController in particular.

  • Model railroader Silvio Richter describes this in the forum as follows:

In contrast to road traffic, where drivers drive by sight and pay attention themselves and traffic lights are timed, rail traffic works somewhat differently.

Rail transport

The engine driver drives according to signals and the train dispatcher ensures route safety and sets the switches and signals.

So if a signal shows a movement aspect, then it is also ensured at the same time that there is no other train on the released route. Routes are only reserved for trains if a movement order has been issued.

No enemy sidings

In terms of TrainController, this means that blocks are pre-reserved and switch routes are only activated when a corresponding train journey requires them.

It is therefore not possible to activate enemy routes in TrainController.

Intersection as an example

Fig: Reserve route

A journey from block 4 to block 3 is only possible if there is no active journey from block 1 to block 5. The active switch route 1<->5 prevents the activation of switch route 3<->4. The signal in block 4 remains red during an active train journey until the route from block 1 to block 5 is cleared.


-- Uslex (Diskussion) 08:01, 31. Jul. 2023 (UTC)
bearbeitet: Uslex (Diskussion) 11:09, 27. Jan. 2025 (CET)