General information
This page in the TC Wiki is aimed primarily at newcomers who have little or no experience with TrainController. From the wealth of FAQs, tips & tricks and how-tos, the articles that provide basic, important information and help for beginners are listed and linked here.
First Steps with TrainController
The following sources of information and help are available for the first steps with TC:
- First steps: On the homepage of TrainController there is an overview of the first steps and the most important sources on the TC website.
- Quick start: In the respective program descriptions for the three TC versions there is a Quick start TrainController in 5 steps before the first chapters, which clearly shows the way to the first PC-controlled train.
- Forum: The TC-Forum is the official forum of the manufacturer Freiwald Software: How do I register in the user forum?
- Events: In this forum, particular reference is made to the Events section, where you will always find information about seminars, user meetings, get-togethers, etc...
- TC-wiki: And last but not least, of course, the TC-Wiki here...
Tips and Help for Newbies
The most important contributions are listed in groups below.
The first steps
Basics for the first steps:
- Difference between road traffic and rail traffic
- Quick start TrainController in 5 steps
- Enter TrainController activation code correctly
- TC Gold Silver or Bronze (The TGG - TrainController Basic Law)
- Digital system (important information: what is a digital system?)
- How does the Internet get to the model railway PC? Online license check
- Beginners Instructions for the first steps with TC (The first beginning TC 7 or TC 8)
- Beginners Instructions for the first steps with TC (The first beginning TC 9 or TC 10)
- Setting up the digital system (connect the PC to the digital system)
- Driving with Traincontroller, what options are there?
- Driving + Signaling analogue vs. digital (basics) (Comparison analogue vs. digital)
Technical terms
Explanation of the most important technical terms from the TC universe:
Railroad&Co Stammtisch on the Internet
Access to Discord Community Server:
Basics for dividing the model railway into blocks:
- Creating a small track diagram interlocking
- Preparing a switch for model railway control with the computer
- Block - Instructions for the correct division of sections
- Block - brake and stop markings
- Block - track section - separation point - switch
- Switches within blocks: yes/no?
- States of a block (occupied, occupied or reserved)
- labeling blocks
- block with three detectors
Locomotives and wagons
What properties does my locomotive have and how do I set them up in TC?
Everything about calibrating the locomotives:
Train journeys
We want to create/edit a train journey:
Buttons or switches are powerful components in the toolbox of TrainController:
Signals can also be operated with TC:
How to switch switches with TC:
How to find and fix errors:
Files and TrainController
The files of a TC project: